What is a heat pump?

Electric heat pumps are home appliances that can both heat and cool a home. They can replace both a traditional air conditioner and a home heating system like a furnace, boiler, or inefficient baseboard heating. 

The main advantage of an electric heat pump compared to other HVAC systems is their efficiency. Because of the genius way they work, heat pumps are about three times more efficient than traditional heating systems. 

Cost savings

According to Rewiring America's internal analysis, the average household in the United States can save $748 per year by switching to a heat pump. Homeowners making the switch from electric baseboards or electric furnaces, fuel oil, or propane can see savings closer to $1,800 per year on average. 

Environmentally friendly

Because they don’t use fossil fuels, electric heat pumps are also the most environmentally friendly heating and cooling option out there. 

At this point you might be wondering: How can one machine replace both an air conditioner and a furnace? 

How they work

At the simplest level, heat pumps use electricity to move heat from one place to another. In cooling mode, a heat pump moves the heat inside your home to the outside, leaving your home cooler.

A system that works in the heat and the cold

This is no different than how your refrigerator or air conditioner works. These appliances pump heat out of an insulated space, leaving it cooler inside. 

But heat pumps also work in cold climates. How do they work on a cold day, you ask?

Well, the short answer is they basically go into reverse-mode and pump heat energy from the outside air into your home.

That might seem a bit counterintuitive. After all, how can something move heat from the outside air when it’s 20 degrees outside? But remember, heat is just energy. And there is energy in the air all the way down to absolute zero, which is negative 456 degrees F. 

Find out more

To learn more about how heat pumps transfer energy inside and outside your home, check out our article on how heat pumps work.

To decide if you should upgrade to a heat pump, check out our article on the pros and cons of heat pumps.

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