Federal electrical panel tax credits

The 25C Energy Efficient Home Improvement Tax Credit makes it more affordable for Americans to install an electrical panel and complete other upgrades to improve home energy efficiency.

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Disclaimer: The information presented here is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide specific tax guidance. For questions regarding your individual tax situation, we suggest consulting with your tax advisor.

Tax Credit

Up to $600

Available now

Please note: If you're claiming 25D for a rooftop solar or battery storage installation and that installation required you to upgrade your electrical panel, you may be able to apply 25D to those costs as well. But that’s unrelated to the 25C tax credit.

What is the electrical panel tax credit?

The federal government recently passed a law that offers all households who pay federal income taxes up to a $600 credit for the installation of a qualifying electrical panel.

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The 25C Energy Efficient Home Improvement Tax Credit provides a tax credit for eligible electrical panels (up to 30% of project costs, capped at $600) when the panel enables the use of a qualified heat pump or heat pump water heater. The electrical panel must be installed within one year of the qualified appliance. The panel and qualified appliance do not have to be claimed in the same year but they must be claimed in consecutive years.

Electrical panels are just one of the home improvements that may qualify for the 25C Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit. Projects like heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, and insulation may also qualify.

Project type:Electrical componentsHow much funding can you receive from 25C for qualifying projects?:

Up to 30 percent, generally capped at $600 per year, for the items listed below:

  • Panels
  • Subpanels
  • Branch circuits
  • Feeders
Project type:Heat pumps and heat pump water heatersHow much funding can you receive from 25C for qualifying projects?:

Up to 30 percent, capped at $2,000 per year for qualified:

  • Electric heat pumps
  • Electric heat pump water heaters
Project type:Weatherization (insulation, air sealing, and ventilation)How much funding can you receive from 25C for qualifying projects?:

Up to 30 percent, capped at the following amounts for each type of project:

  • Insulation and air sealing: $1,200
  • Exterior doors: $250 per door, $500 total
  • Exterior windows and skylights: $600

All weatherization projects are combined with electrical panel upgrades for a total project cap of $1,200 per year.

Project type:Home energy auditHow much funding can you receive from 25C for qualifying projects?:Up to $150. Home energy audits must be performed by a certified home energy auditor, and include a full home inspection and report to qualify.

Source: IRS

As noted above, all weatherization projects are combined with electrical panel upgrades for a total project cap of $1,200 per year. This means that, for example, you could claim $600 on a subpanel to enable a heat pump to be installed, and also claim $600 towards insulation.

25C Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit is limited to $2,000 per year for heat pump water heater installations, and there is a $3,200 yearly cap for all 25C tax credits combined. 

The good news is that there’s no lifetime cap, so you can continue to make efficiency upgrades year after year and claim credits for each year’s qualifying home improvements. 

If you’re interested in upgrading your electrical panel and would like to claim the 25C tax credit, talk to your contractor before you start the project. It’s also a good idea to double-check that your purchase qualifies for the 25C Energy Efficient Home Improvement Tax Credit before you buy a panel and have it installed. 

Tax credit limitations

The 25C Heat Pump tax credit may cover up to 30% of your electrical panel project costs, capped at $600. 

Generally, you must subtract any price adjustments from the cost of the item. This can mean rebates, utility subsidies, financial incentives, and anything else that lowers the price point. This part can get a little tricky, so be sure to check the Frequently asked questions about energy efficient home improvements and residential clean energy property credits for more information.

The 25C tax credit is “non-refundable,” which means that you can't get back more than you pay in federal income taxes. 

If 30% of your project’s cost is $600, but you only owe $300 in federal income taxes that year, you would receive a $300 credit.

25C electrical panel upgrade combinations:Electrical panel + weatherization projectsMaximum tax credit cap per year:$1,200
25C electrical panel upgrade combinations:Electrical panel + heat pump air conditioner/heatersMaximum tax credit cap per year:$2,600
25C electrical panel upgrade combinations:Electrical panel + heat pump water heatersMaximum tax credit cap per year:$2,600

Homeowners and renters making upgrades to their existing home

Renters and homeowners can use this tax credit for electrical panels in homes that are already built. Homeowners can use this tax credit for primary and secondary homes.

Landlords can never claim this credit for homes they rent out but do not use as a residence themselves.

For more information, see Frequently asked questions about energy efficient home improvements and residential clean energy property credits.

To learn about credits for new homes, see Section 45L New Energy Efficient Home Credit, which offers incentives for  Zero Energy Ready homes

No income requirements 

There are no income limitations for the 25C Tax Credit — but like nearly all federal tax credits, you can only use it if you pay federal income taxes.

Qualifying electrical panels must meet the standards of the National Electric Code (NEC) and have a capacity of 200 Amps or more. This means that your new/upgraded panel must be able to serve a load of at least 200 Amps, but you don't need 200 Amps of incoming utility service. Smart panels may qualify if they allow you to serve a load of 200 Amps.

For more on the efficiency requirements of other purchases, see this IRS FAQ.

  1. Keep track of (or track down) the invoice from your contractor. 

  2. Fill out IRS Form 5695, Residential Energy Credits. For instructions on how to fill out the form, including more in-depth information about individual amounts you can claim, see the IRS’s Instructions for Form 5695.

  3. Submit the form along with your annual tax return. 

  4. You may enjoy a lower tax bill or bigger refund!

You can claim the standard deduction and claim the 25C tax credit. You don't have to itemize.

You can only apply for and claim the 25C tax credit for energy upgrades in the year in which a project is completed. For example: if you purchased your equipment in late 2023 but didn’t have it installed until 2024, you have to file the tax credit with your 2024 tax return.

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