Get ready to go electric with a whole-home energy audit

Blower door test for a home energy audit.

If you’re interested in energy efficiency or starting to think about going electric, a home energy audit is a wise, inexpensive way to get started.

Why do it?

A home energy audit can identify wasted energy and safety issues, unlock rebates, and suggest solutions.


When you purchase a new home, are preparing for electric upgrades, or have unusually high energy bills.

Who is this for?

Homeowners. Renters can ask their landlord for one.

Read more about energy audits

upfront cost


Time Required

2-3 hours

Areas Covered

Energy and water efficiency, health and safety, comfort


Easy, but requires some scheduling logistics

Our Takeaway

For many households, a comprehensive home energy audit is a great first step in going electric. You’ll identify health, safety, and comfort issues and receive detailed information to help you prioritize home improvement projects.

Rebates and Credits

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Learn more about energy audits

What to look for in a high-quality energy audit

Ready to schedule your home energy audit? Learn more about the process — and what questions you should ask your auditor.

Written by: Rewiring America
Man holding clipboard conduction a home inspection

What’s a home energy audit — and should you get one?

Written by: Canary Media

A visual guide to energy audits

Written by: Department of Energy

How to ensure your home energy audit qualifies for a tax credit

Written by: Department of Energy

Video guide to whole-home energy audit

Written by: This Old House

Project guide


What is a combustion safety test and why is it important?

If you have fossil fuel appliances in the home, they produce toxins that can pollute your home unless they are vented to the outside. A good audit will measure the safety of your fossil fuel-burning appliances and determine if you need better ventilation or other changes to make your home safe. Getting rid of oil- and gas-burning appliances for good is the best way to keep your indoor air healthy.

A blower door test uses a door-sized piece of canvas and a large fan to measure how tightly your home is sealed. The test determines your "blower door number," or the air leakage in your home, by measuring ACH (air changes per hour) or CFM (cubic feet per meter). The ACH or CFM helps determine whether air sealing would be a good investment, whether ventilation work might be necessary, and how large a heat pump you would need to heat and cool your home. Some rebate or incentive programs (such as the forthcoming Home Efficiency Rebates) might require a blower door test before or after the work to ensure it meets performance requirements.

An energy audit is relatively inexpensive and the results can help you prioritize upgrades to your home. It can also help you identify any urgent health and safety concerns, identify sources of drafts and uncomfortable temperatures, and determine whether you have an opportunity to save money on your energy bills. Some utilities also run energy efficiency programs that provide additional rebates based on your audit results (sometimes up to thousands of dollars)!

Yes, an HVAC or weatherization contractor can certainly do an audit if they’re certified — just ask for their certification. If an HVAC or weatherization contractor is also a certified auditor, it’s usually a sign that they’re a high-quality contractor.

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